Make the most of the global economic crisis by scavenging half-price trips to Europe, advises Ed Hewitt at Long known as one of the continent’s priciest destinations and thus avoided by budget travelers, beautiful and geothermally interesting Iceland is experiencing “complete economic collapse.” The whole country’s bankrupt. A year ago, a taxi ride from the airport into Reykjavik cost the equivalent of $120. Now it’s half that. Hotel prices are slashed too. Checking Reykjavik hotels on Expedia, Hewitt found “a host of four-star establishments in the $77 – $116 range, including the Hilton Reykjavik Nordica at $108 dollars a night. Try finding that rate back when international bankers zoomed around the streets in SUV’s attending talks by celebrity investors and former presidents.” Hmmm. Herring, anyone? “Another region facing similar problems is Central and Eastern Europe. While these countries aren’t in such dire straits as Iceland, you can still stretch your travel dollars in places like Bosnia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia and the Ukraine.”
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